Shipping Policy
We offer free Standard Shipping on all orders $29 and over within the contiguous U.S. Orders below $29.00 will be charged a flat rate of $4.95. To ensure fastest delivery to you, items may arrive separately in different packages and at different times.
For EcoLeo products, please allow 5-10 business days to receive your order.
For other branded products, please allow 5-30 business days to receive your order. Please check the product's shopping page for estimated delivery times.
Orders are typically mailed out within 2 days. However, depending on availability and other factors, this time may vary. If unexpected delays occur, we will be sure to notify you by email.
At this time, we ship only to the contiguous United States and Alaska. Please look for us on Amazon if your are shopping outside of the United States.
Our shipping policy may change at any time without notice.